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The feud erupted last month when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic and travel ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism and being an ally of regional foe Iran, charges that Doha denies. The countries have threatened further sanctions against Qatar if it does not comply with their list of 13 demands presented to Doha by Kuwaiti mediators 10 days ago. The demands include closing a Turkish military base in Qatar and shutting the Al Jazeera pan-Arab television network, which Doha also rejected. Qatar's Gulf critics accuse Al Jazeera of being a platform for extremists and an agent of interference in their affairs. The network has rejected the accusations and said it will maintain its editorial independence. Gulf countries have insisted the demands were non- negotiable. The UAE ambassador to Russia has said Qatar could face fresh sanctions if it does not comply with the demands. Gulf states could ask their trading partners to choose between working with them or with Doha, he said in a newspaper interview last week. They have not specified what further sanctions they could impose on Doha but commercial bankers in the region believe that Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini banks might receive official guidance to pull deposits and interbank loans from Qatar.
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I found it ironic that Miss Storr spoke in her article about her decision to eschew the figure-hugging clothes she’d hoiked herself into in her youth as a rediscovery of her Pakistani father’s roots. Considering what an oppressive, bigoted, sexist country Pakistan remains today for women, it seems extraordinary for a woman who has benefited from the manifold freedoms the West has to offer to come over all dewy-eyed about the place. Sitting incongruously alongside this muddle-headed tribute to one of the world’s worst places to be female was a slurry of breathless gushing over celebrities who have allegedly adopted modesty dressing; Adele, Angelina Jolie, Emma Watson and Victoria Beckham have all been seen sporting floor-skimming numbers covering every inch of their bodies. 'Do we want to go back to the days when an uncovered ankle or a bare shoulder marked you out as a prostitute, as it did in English societies a few centuries ago? You don’t need to be quoting the Bible or the Koran to be a sexist, judgmental bigot' (Pictured: Lily Collins) And now Pippa, too, is passing for a Puritan. Maybe it’s the cynic in me which thinks that the humble dressing movement may be a way for stars whose every lump, bump or jutting bone has been savagely dissected on social media to hide from scrutiny. Another, completely opposite view, is that it is a way of getting noticed. After all, what else is there left for an attention-seeking starlet, except putting a metaphorical tin-lid on things? Either way, looking at these beautiful women in ugly dresses — even Nicole Kidman and Gwyneth Paltrow managed to look like they were wearing their Nan’s brush-nylon nighties — I couldn’t imagine that anyone in the real world would want to copy them. Any sensible person would surely imitate their mother and tut: ‘If Beyonce jumped off a cliff, would you do it do?’ Best just ignore it and it will go away. But there’s a sinister side to this modesty manifesto that goes beyond the whimsy of fashion, that shouldn’t be ignored.
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