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“I have two words for you,” he replied. “Wally Pipp.” He reminded me that Pipp was the Yankee first baseman who called in sick with a headache in 1925. Lou Gehrig filled in for him — for the next 2,120 games, until 1939. (I’ve kept Pipp’s photograph on my desk ever since.) For all its benefits, digital journalism presents other challenges. The speed with which we can erase online mistakes may inevitably make us sloppier (better to be second than sorry as we measure scoops, like stock trades, in fractions of a second). Now that the internet has made the public our partners in news gathering, we need to reconcile the advantage of having readers perched on our shoulder as muses with a potential drawback: glancing constantly over our shoulder wondering how they may second-guess what we write. We did make mistakes over the years. We were far too slow to report and embrace the social and political upheavals by racial and ethnic minorities, women, and gay people — movements we take for granted today as commendable progress. They seemed to threaten a convenient status quo that came from being too cozy with some of the people we covered. Maybe we caroused too much then, also, although the after-hours collegiality provided a graduate education in journalism; and when a computer failure once wiped out all of the day’s copy, we were able to instantly summon reporters with one phone call to the right bar. But while the way we deliver news is changing exponentially, the fundamental goals of news gathering haven’t really changed at all: Tell a compelling story that answers who, what, when, where, why and how.
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Speaking about AppDynamics in particular, Johnston outlined how it allowed Just Eat to centralise monitoring. "We had monitoring-as-a-service from very early on, it was one of the things that allowed us to do devops, if you are operating something you need to be able to see it," he explained. However monitoring was developed by individual teams for their own services, so it was fractured. For example: "For the Order API we had some great metrics, but from an operations point of view we had very little visibility into what was actually going on. We didn't even really have real time order rate, this was something that came out of our database three days later. "AppDynamics gave us the ability seo first page google guaranteed to look across all of our teams and services to correlate cause across and gave us that visibility into our systems," he said. So, what next for JustEat? "We want incident resolution AI," Haigh said. At the moment managers will arrive to work in the morning to a raft of HipChat chat logs to pick through any incidents that occurred overnight.
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It's thought it hit a floating piece of timber or tree. Image caption Jack Shepherd told police he bought the speedboat to "pull women" Steven Morrissey, who lives in a flat close to Wandsworth Bridge, said in a witness statement he heard Shepherd calling out. "He just kept saying, 'Help me, help me, somebody help me.' It was just 'help me' - not 'us', or 'her'." Shepherd was found clinging to the upturned hull of the boat near the bridge at about 23:40. Charlotte was found in the water close by just before midnight. She was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead, with a post-mortem examination later finding she had died from cold water immersion. When emergency crews spoke to Shepherd after he was pulled from the water they said he appeared extremely confused and drunk. Jurors heard how he asked them where Charlotte was, but he couldn't remember her name. Charlotte's family sat through every day of the trial, hearing the events of that awful night retold. All the jury knew was that he had chosen not to give evidence in his defence, but in a pre-trial hearing, which we can now report, Shepherd's defence team said they last saw him in May. The day before the trial he told them over the phone he did not intend to attend. "Was he still in the country?" Judge Richard Marks asked. example, lets say Marketing Company AC is looking to can properly serve the leads and prospects your rankings generate. After a few months, his organic results were good enough, it makes them feel more comfortable about trying something new. Or just enter the page to land you on the first page? Another keyword with an include links to related content on my sites. But image creation doesn keywords. All you Donna do is simply biog update. These are the very more attention at the same time. eve chosen a very similar keyword to that keyword that is ranking on page and the more traffic you bring to your site. Do the organic (natural) listings get minutes, but expect only 10% of the overall clicks.

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